Skeletons Are brat!

Extra! Extra! I learned something new. It’s previously something only known by Millennials and GenZs. I seldom get to crack their secrets and communication rules, but this one is very exciting. I have to thank a British singer and song writer, Charli XCX, for introducing both me and the world to this concept. The word I learned is brat. No, I am not referring to the obnoxious child who refuses to behave and sit still. Again, this word is brat. I understand from watching several news accounts on television that the meaning of this word is: Bold, Confident, a Risk Taker and an Icon. Even Tim Kaine has adopted a version of this for his web site and he is older than either the Millennials or GenZs.

If I wanted to use my new found word in a sentence I could say that “The Paris Olympics are so brat.” Since, as of this writing, the USA Women’s Soccer team has already won their first game, they are also brat. The mascot for the Paris Olympics is the Phryges. Don’t ask me how that is pronounced. I hope to learn while watching the sporting events. But I can tell you it is a red triangular hat like the ones that were worn during the French Revolution. The mascot is a plush replica of a red triangular hat with the Olympic seal and a pair of eyes. Too cute, or shall I say the “Phryges is brat?” As you can see my skeletons wanted to get into the Olympic spirit, but were not able to send away for the plush toy. They made their own out of construction paper. Doesn’t my friend look handsome? He is very excited to watch all the games.

The other brat fact that I found out about Paris is that the opening ceremonies will take place along the Seine (that river that flows through Paris). This route is lined on both sides by Bouquinistes. These are literally book stores and stalls. The French are very proud of their books and literacy. I wish we had a river like that where I live. I wonder if all the booksellers have as many books on Halloween and ghost stories as I have? Maybe I need to go over to Paris one day and check that out. But I will wait until after the Olympic crowds have all gone home.

Now, I am going to sit back and enjoy the sports and spectacle that is the Paris Olympics.

Until next time.….