Getting to Know Your Literary Characters

Once upon a time, I started writing a novel. I had the basic story line, the location, most of the characters, the beginning and three possible endings. It’s a real fun story about a historic art deco building located somewhere in the downtown area of some-city, USA. Then I decided to take a break from the inevitable problems a writer comes across when making the characters interact with each other. Some of my characters are human in nature and living every day on a regular earthly plane of existence. Some of them are “good guys” and others are “villains.” Then there are also groups of other characters that involve ghosts, invisible monsters, grim reapers and such. Getting the different groups to interact and move the plot forward can be a bit tricky. One of my solutions to work out these difficulties came about as I started writing a series of short stories. Other worldly abilities are explored. Personalities develop through motions, dialogue and actions. My favorite character and the focus of many of my stories and tales is a grim reaper. You might remember this picture from Fern’s latest blog post. This is how most people see grim reapers.

Just because they remove people from this earth and their current lives, some people seem to think that they are mean and nasty creatures. The more I wrote about my grim reaper, the more she developed a much more complicated personality. Yes, she is a female reaper named Willow. It turned out that she could be mean and stern when she needed to; however, there are many other aspects to the personality and interactions with both other humans and ghosts. Since she is made up of her skeletal frame wearing big black robes, one of my first problems was to demonstrate that she was a female.

Willow as portrayed by local artist, Shirl Riccetti.

Willow is just one of many grim reapers that work all around the globe. She is not just yanking some poor human out of an earthly life. She helps to guide them to the next stage of existence. What is the next level or stage? It could be many things ranging from a bright white light, to Heaven, to Hell and many other places in between. As I discovered more aspects of my favorite character, I began to see her better within my imagination. At one point I made arrangements for a local artist, Shirl Reccitti, to create some scenes based on some of my plot points and characters. Here is her rendition of Willow.

In viewing Willow, I began to think about the details of her appearance. Just how big is her scythe? Is it better to show her face or keep parts of her in the shadows of her big billowy robes? Sometimes she uses her scythe in a heavy-handed way (when necessary), but the other times she just barely passes the instrument between the almost deceased human and earth. Then the spirit is free and ready to move on. Does the size of the scythe make a difference? If it is too large, does it get in the way? I have also started developing the differences and purposes of all of the character groups. Ghosts have much more latitude, but that will have to wait for a future blog. Also, if grim reapers are supposed to escort the newly deceased, then why are there ghosts? So many questions. So few hours in a day.

Until next time.……

What the Heart Wants

Being a patient in a hospital is an alternate reality. It doesn’t matter how long you are there, time and space play by their own rules. Anything that exists outside the walls of the building becomes irrelevant. I am sure there are some very good and logical reasons for waking patients up at the oddest hours to check vitals and draw blood. Antibiotics attached via an IV at 1:30 a.m. holds the record as the oddest of experiences so far. I was too sleepy to ask the right questions, but it didn’t stop me from needing a “procedure” at 7:30 a.m.

I have been in the hospital twice recently. Yes, I am now doing fine, thanks for asking. My malady is cardiac related with all of the scary thoughts that arise with this type of diagnosis. I’ve been hospitalized before for routine things like gallbladder removal. That wasn’t as scary. There’s something about only having one heart, because I cannot survive if it is removed. Yet, I have learned that, like the rest of me, my heart is stubborn and will beat as it sees fit. You might say it beat to the sound of its own and different drummer, until I received “procedures” that succeeded in showing my heart who’s the boss. Apparently the cardiologist and team remain, officially, The Boss.

Oh, and can we talk about modesty? Where else would it not be unusual to have everyone and everybody come by and visit while I am laying in bed wearing the loosest of gowns. I was hooked up in several ways to various machines which was okay when I stayed in bed. However, the coffee machine was located at the nurses station. I learned new skills as I walked holding my gown closed, walking with a cane and carrying a fresh cup of hot coffee. I do have my talents, if I say so myself.

Upon arrival at a cardiac unit, I was attached to all sorts of gizmos that monitored me all day and night. First I received stickers all over my chest and stomach with wires that were attached to a little box that I wore in a pouch around my neck at all times. This was called a telemetry? Then that was combined with a bio button. It also monitored my heart, but without wires. At this point I realize that my body is not my own.

There’s also the issue of blood. At least once a day, every day, a nurse would come by and take several vials of blood. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think there are that many tests that can be run on this vital fluid. Maybe the nurses had a side job where they supplied some local vampires with fresh blood to keep the murder rates down across the city. They would never admit it, but I still have my suspicions.

Finally, there were the EKGs. Since I was in the hospital to get a new heart medication, I had to have this test after every dose. I have become very familiar this procedure. In addition to the stickers and wires that are already placed on my chest, I receive about 10 more. Sometimes the stickers would be placed on my knees. The test itself only took a few seconds. Then all the extra stickers would be removed until the next EKG.

One time when I was getting some coffee at the nurses station, I noticed a pumpkin made to look like a heart. Apparently, for fun and frolic, the staff have a pumpkin carving/decorating contest for Halloween. At first I thought this was a pace maker, but I was wrong. It is actually a Left Ventricle Assist Device otherwise known as an LVAD. I don’t know what this does, but they did a good job at decorating the pumpkin. I appreciated the attempt to enjoy my favorite holiday. Actually being in the hospital over Halloween is a definite buzz kill for me. I hope that doesn’t happen next year. The skeletons I have at home were worried about me, bless their little, nonexistent hearts. By the time I was finished with the second hospital stay, staff were beginning to wear Holiday sweaters and reindeer antlers.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Until next time.……

Haunted Holidays Returns to Brazos Bookstore!

My absolute favorite night of the year has come and gone once again. Haunted Holidays took place on November 9th at the Brazos Bookstore. Literary artists gather together on this night to share their own scary spooky stories about any of the fall and winter holidays. To me the scary season begins with Halloween and doesn’t end until New Years. This year there were several poems and essays about the election. Yep, many consider that to be one of the scariest nights of the year! I had the honor to host the event and dressed up in my scariest finest formal clothing for the evening.

Of course, my skeleton friends were in attendance. They always enjoy a good scary story. There were nine of them who sat amongst the audience and visited with the other attendees.

The following people participated in this event: Jere Pfister, Denise Bossarte, Katherine McDaniel, Jean King, Margo Toombs (who also read a selection by Rebecca Chirak), Dedra Murchison, Laura Pena, Sandi Stromberg and yours truly. One of the scariest stories was written by Katherine McDaniel. She told us a tale of living in a haunted house and everything was based on actual events! EEK! Of course I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to thank Melody Locke who served as our cinematographer. She has posted a video of all of the writers and poets on YouTube. Check it out at

And as always, many many thanks to the Brazos Bookstore and the Houston Writers Guild.

Here is a picture of all of the people who read their literary creations at the Haunted Holidays event:

Please try to remember to join us next year for Haunted Holidays 2025!

Until next time.….

AuthorPalooza and Journey Into Time Book Launch!

It’s here! It’s here! Call the neighbors and wake the kids! It is finally time for the AuthorPalooza Conference! It will begin on Friday, October 4th and run through Sunday, October 6th. The excitement begins Friday evening at Brazos Bookstore, located at 2421 Bissonnet Street, Houston, TX 77005. There will be a presentation by Houston Poet Laureate, Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton. She will lead us in an activity for performance poetry. Ms. Mouton will also be the Keynote speaker Saturday morning.

Then there will be a book launch for the  Journey Into Time anthology. Both the Houston Writers Guild and Women in the Visual and Literary Arts collaborated on this project. It will be great to congratulate the writers who were chosen to be included in this year’s edition. The three winning writers will be announced as well as those who are receiving Honorable Mention.

On Saturday and Sunday all of the fun moves from the bookstore to the Student Center at Rice University. After hearing the Keynote Speech by Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton, there will be break out sessions with conference presentations. Also, on Saturday, there will be a few agents as well as acquisition editors available for pitch sessions. Please check the conference registration information for details on scheduling.

Sunday the conference will close out with a presentation and then a craft workshop led by Fern Brady. She will lead us in a Renga competition.

For more information about this exciting conference, please check out the Houston Writers Guild at You will also be able to register for the conference there.

I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!

Until next time.….

Entangled 2024

Are you ready to see some beautiful art work and hear some good literature? It’s all happening this Friday night, September 20th, at the opening Reception highlighting some of the best collaborative works from the wonderful women of Women In The Visual and Literary Arts (WiVLA). This event will take place at the Sabine Street Studios located at 1907 Sabine Street, Houston, TX 77007. The Theme for this current collaboration is Entangled.

Every other year a theme is picked and both visual and literary artists team up to provide the art going public with some more amazing combinations. I personally teamed up with artist Deborah Ellington. For this piece she created a glass sculpture. On the one side you will see a Raven that is looking directly at you. Can you hear what he is saying? The other side is a trail that leads to a haunted house. The piece that I have written is called Arabella’s Story. Yes, of course there are ravens, ghosts and graveyards.

As you can see in the picture above on the left is artist, Deborah Ellington. Between the two pictures you can see both sides of her wonderful glass sculpture. On the wall hangs the story that I will read at the opening reception this Friday. If you want to see more of Deborah’s work, check out her website at

In addition to Deborah and me, there are there are over 20 teams of creative WiVLA members. The visual works include paintings, fiber arts, sculpture, etc. The literary works range from poems to literary essays. I am so proud to be a part of this biennial collaboration.

You will be able to purchase a book with all of the works at the event or you can purchase a copy through Amazon. The collaboration will be hosted at Sabine Street Studios beginning on September 12 through November 2.

Until next week.….

Is Summer Ending?

It’s the end of August. Yes, I know that summer doesn’t officially end until the autumnal equinox on September 22nd. However, now I am having to pay attention to road signs like this. I have to go around the long line of cars filled with parents waiting to pick up their bundles of joy from school and I have to be careful not to run over any of the bundles of joy that might be crossing the same street that I am driving down. Even when I was one of those bundles of joy going to school back in my hometown, I always felt that the beginning of school was the “real” end of summer.

Of course, I went to schools without any air conditioning. Beginning in Kindergarten through my senior year in high school, I sweated through the beginning and ending of every year. And that was before global warming! Egad! This is what everyone is dealing with now. Even riding around in a car that has air conditioning, I am reminded that I will melt quicker than the Wicked Witch of the West if I step outside. You may notice that the outside temperature in my car reads 102 degrees. That was after parking in the shade for a couple of hours. Soon we all run the risk of turning into lizard people where we sun ourselves on rocks and lick our eyeballs. Why yes, I do read a good bit of science fiction these days. Why do you ask?

Now is the time to begin talking about my favorite holiday. I’ve been waiting since the 4th of July to start talking about it. With the arrival of fall, I start planning for, dreaming of, and pining away for Halloween!  Actually, I have been planning and dreaming and pining about October 31st ever since November 1st But now it is close to the time when my skeleton friends can sit outside on the balcony and walkways of my home. They can watch all of the neighbors and interact with all of the other Halloween decorations. Here is a picture of some of my friends as they sit at home deciding what the theme should be this year. Skeleton Barbie joined us last year. I’m wondering if she is too passe’ for this year. There are many decisions to be made and finalized very soon. It would be nice if the temperature dropped below 100 degrees before we start decorating.

Also, when I get together with my skeleton friends, we come up with new ideas for spooky stories. Haunted Holidays, the annual reading event, is coming up on November 9th this year at Brazos Bookstore. I am telling all of my writer and poet friends to get ready to scare us again this year. But before that I will enjoy Authorpalooza, WiVLA’s 30th anniversary special, and the biannual WiVLA collaboration between visual and literary artists. Fall is definitely going to be busy again this year. However, it is always the most fun with all of my Halloween decorations sitting outside my home and helping me with story ideas. I will share all of the details on all of the above-mentioned celebrations in the next few weeks. You can check out the websites for both WiVLA and the HWG if you want details right now.

Until next time.….….

Multi-Tasking Flashbacks

Yes, I am multi-tasking this month. More so than usual. Also, it never fails that when I have the greatest number of projects to work on, that is when I will have technical troubles. For starters this blog has no pictures. I took pictures and prepared them for publication. However, I have a new phone and cannot send pictures from my new phone to my old computer. I know what needs to be done, but I have not managed to do it yet. Last week it was my zoom connectivity that was acting up. My trusty friend and computer consultant was able to help out with that chore. I hope he doesn’t mind coming back over to my place to fix this picture situation. Until then, please use your imagination!

When I decided to become a full-time writer, I envisioned myself sitting alone by myself day after day cranking out fantastical fiction, essays, or memoir. Now, I know that writing is a team sport. Oh, there’s plenty of chances for procrastination, dawdling and falderal. Can you tell one of my favorite time wasters is finding interesting and exciting words to use in my blogs?

Okay, back to being a full-time writer. As I type this missive, I am involved in serving as a beta reader for one of Fern’s novellas. It is a really good story and am enjoying spending lots of time reading and reviewing it. Also, I am reviewing fiction pieces for the upcoming publication of the Journey Into Time Anthology so that I can assist with the process of developing the cover art. The launch for this annual collection of brilliance is scheduled for October 3rd at the Brazos Bookstore. More details on that to come later.

I also am printing out more than a decade’s worth of short stories that I have written. Are there enough for a publishable collection? I have a plethora of stories about ghosts, skeletons, grim reapers, etc. Some are geared around different holidays and others are just fun stories. Like my other reading, these stories are fun to revisit and review, so it is taking me a while to collect these.

Next, I have the yet to be published great American novel. More ghosts and skeletons, but with a much longer plot. I still haven’t decided if the villain is going to live or die. Everyone else including the paranormal characters continue to live. Or maybe I should say they will continue to exist. Anyway, they will go back into my creative imagination to await my second great American novel.

I have three dates coming up for public readings. I am preparing short works to share. I have a short story coming up in the WiVLA (Women in the Visual and Literary Arts) collaboration. I paired up with a visual artist and developed the piece of fiction. All visual and literary art will be published in a program catalog. Yes, this is another event that I will tell you more about between now and October.

In November, I am writing an essay on the topic of Pearl. WiVLA is celebrating its 30th anniversary. During the member meeting in November many of the writers and poets of this organization will share their reflections on Pearl. I will contribute to that evening; however, I haven’t started my essay or short story yet.

Finally, I finish up my literary year in November when WiVLA and the Houston Writers Guild team up for a night of Haunted Holidays. That involves spending the evening at Brazos Bookstore listening to writers and poets share scary and spooky stories. The Holidays involved in these pieces include anything from Halloween through New Year. Several of the stories that I have written for this annual event will end up in the collection of short stories I am compiling.

That’s enough for now. Writing is not lonely. It is collaborative, it is a sharing of creative talents with other creatives. Oh, and I forgot to mention the concept of getting together in small writing groups, but I have written enough for now. Must save something for the next blog.

Until next time.…..

Skeletons Are brat!

Extra! Extra! I learned something new. It’s previously something only known by Millennials and GenZs. I seldom get to crack their secrets and communication rules, but this one is very exciting. I have to thank a British singer and song writer, Charli XCX, for introducing both me and the world to this concept. The word I learned is brat. No, I am not referring to the obnoxious child who refuses to behave and sit still. Again, this word is brat. I understand from watching several news accounts on television that the meaning of this word is: Bold, Confident, a Risk Taker and an Icon. Even Tim Kaine has adopted a version of this for his web site and he is older than either the Millennials or GenZs.

If I wanted to use my new found word in a sentence I could say that “The Paris Olympics are so brat.” Since, as of this writing, the USA Women’s Soccer team has already won their first game, they are also brat. The mascot for the Paris Olympics is the Phryges. Don’t ask me how that is pronounced. I hope to learn while watching the sporting events. But I can tell you it is a red triangular hat like the ones that were worn during the French Revolution. The mascot is a plush replica of a red triangular hat with the Olympic seal and a pair of eyes. Too cute, or shall I say the “Phryges is brat?” As you can see my skeletons wanted to get into the Olympic spirit, but were not able to send away for the plush toy. They made their own out of construction paper. Doesn’t my friend look handsome? He is very excited to watch all the games.

The other brat fact that I found out about Paris is that the opening ceremonies will take place along the Seine (that river that flows through Paris). This route is lined on both sides by Bouquinistes. These are literally book stores and stalls. The French are very proud of their books and literacy. I wish we had a river like that where I live. I wonder if all the booksellers have as many books on Halloween and ghost stories as I have? Maybe I need to go over to Paris one day and check that out. But I will wait until after the Olympic crowds have all gone home.

Now, I am going to sit back and enjoy the sports and spectacle that is the Paris Olympics.

Until next time.….

The Uninvited Guest

I am about to say something I have never said before. It’s really not like me, here goes: I miss June! I typically spend every summer just waiting and waiting for the fall season to return. I like fall. That time of year is nice. It means that eventually cooler weather will return. Lots of stores sell Halloween decorations (Oh, by the way there is a rumor on Facebook that Joann’s has started putting out some already! )

Last month, for the entire month of June, I was involved in a writing intensive. I met daily with writers from all across the country. Max Regan led the month-long event. I wrote two short stories and started reviewing many of my past tales. I may try to put together a collection of stories. When I started collecting them, I had many more than I thought. I now have a notebook full of ghost stories, grim reapers, essays and many haunted holiday tales.

There is something so inspirational about meeting with other writers around the country. Even though we all write in different genres and styles, it is still such a rich experience. It’s always helpful to know that someone else knows what it’s like to get lost in an idea and sit at a computer or with a notebook for hours getting everything down. And of course, these friends can also relate to the empty feeling of looking at either a piece of paper or a blank computer screen with nothing going through my head. Hot weather did not bother me, because I did not go outside that much. That’s pretty much the way I handle summers these days. I entertain myself indoors and try not to go outside until September or October.

As soon as the calendar flips to July, there is another “friend” to worry about. Hurricane Beryl. This is a big storm that does not appear to play well with others. He also does not stick with his own rules. He all but promised that he would not enter Texas. Now, hurricane warnings are popping up all along the Gulf Coast. I suppose Beryl is proud of himself, because he is breaking all kinds of records like earliest major storm in the Gulf, the biggest storm ever (or so it seems, Category 5 is big). This morning I learned that it is now headed for South Texas and Houston is included in the cone of uncertainty. Egad!

Did I mention that this is projected to be a busy hurricane season? I think I will crawl back into my study with my books, notebooks and laptop. Ghosts and scary monsters will fill my thoughts to keep me distracted from the weather. I won’t talk to anyone but other writers or those few who understand what writers are like. Yes, that is something akin to an ostrich sticking it’s head in the ground, but it sounds like a logical plan to me for the rest of this summer. That is, until the hurricanes show up at my door.

Until next time.……

The Longest Day and Why That Makes Me So Happy!!!!!

For starters, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Summer Solstice! I hope you have plans to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and summer weather. This really is a beautiful day. The only little catch in all of my current happiness is that we here in Houston have just named our first tropical storm for the season. His name is Alberto. Also, there are other weather-related spots moving up on both the Gulf Coast and over by Florida. We may have more tropical storms next week. Usually we don’t see this much activity until August or September, but that was before the days of global warming. Fortunately with this first storm, it struck southwest of us, but was big enough to give a good soaking. I hope our luck holds out for the duration of Hurricane Season. I really don’t think I’m in the mood for a hurricane this year and I hope Mother Nature agrees with my request.

In between tropical storms, there are days like today. Sunny and warm. It may be too hot to exercise outside, but you can still have a nice time walking to your favorite pool or gym. Keep in mind that no matter how hot the weather is this year, it will only get hotter next year. There’s a pleasant thought that should keep you up at night. Still feeling cheerful? In the meantime, enjoy all of the beautiful flowers that cover our landscape this time of year. If you get up early enough, you might be able to walk a little bit before the heat of the day and risking heat stroke. Or maybe a friend can drive around with you to admire the colorful nature blossoms through the window of an air conditioned car. The flowers with their beauty are literally all around us.

Now, here is the most important factor about Summer Solstice and it does not involve flowers or Stonehenge or anything like that. Rather it is now time that we can start an official count down to Halloween. The days now begin to get shorter and shorter. At some point, hopefully before the spookiest day, temperatures will cool down. I don’t mind allowing approximately three months for hot weather; however, in September I start getting very antsy for my collection of witches, skeletons, grim reapers, bats, and other mysterious creatures that scream out “Boo!” In truth I have already started planning my Halloween decorations that will go outside my house. As you can see in this picture, some of my skeleton friends are helping me. I don’t have to worry about decorating the inside of my home, because that remains decorated and haunted all year long.


Until next time.….…..