Not even gonna write much of an intro here: I FINALLY HAVE A CAR AGAIN!! After about six months of navigating the bus systems and getting rides from
my (incredibly generous and kind and loving) friends, and having to share a car with two other people before that, I finally have my own vehicle.
We really don’t realize how much we take our cars for granted, especially in a city that’s not really built for public transport. Without a car, my commute went from 45 minutes to nearly 2 and a half hours, I couldn’t just make quick grocery or drugstore runs, and anytime I was invited to a social event, I had to stress about how I was going to get there and how I was going to get home.
It’s really incredible how much more relaxed and in control I feel now that I have this level of independence back. As much as I love and appreciate everyone who supported me during this time and gave me rides, I missed getting to just go out in the world on my own, whenever I wanted. I missed singing in the car, and spontaneous outings without having to coordinate rides or pay for an Uber.
I’m thankful that I had this opportunity to gain some insight into a more difficult way of living, and have a lot of new perspectives on the state of public transit in this city, and a newfound respect for the people who have to navigate it every day (and who do their best to keep it running). I stepped out of my
comfort zone and learned to do a lot of things that gave me anxiety, and conquered them, which really taught me a lot about how resilient I can be.
See you on the road!